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Featured Education Resource for Employers

Featured Education Resource for Employers

Recruiting for Retention Part Three: Matching and Committing

You’ve done the hard work and found a candidate you think may be a great fit for your position. Now comes the next step in recruiting them in order to retain them!   Interviewing in...
Featured Education Resource for Employers

Featured Education Resource for Employers

Recruiting for Retention Part Two: Marketing to and Finding Candidates

In today’s marketing climate, it is important to have a great virtual presence and that communication be candidate-focused. We have compiled some strategies to consider as you work to...
Featured Education Resource for Employers

Featured Education Resource for Employers

Recruiting for Retention Part One: Planning & Preparation

One of the most neglected parts of recruitment and retention efforts is planning and preparation.   That’s why 3RNET has, available through your 3RNET employer dashboard, a set of...