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Karen Gliarmis

North Carolina 3RNET Network Coordinator

Tel: 919-527-6440

"If you want to make a positive difference in the delivery of primary medical, dental and behavioral health care to people in rural and underserved areas, North Carolina is looking for you. We will help you identify opportunities throughout our state that match your personal and professional needs."

Team Member Photo

How I can help your job search:

If you are a health care professional interested in living and working in North Carolina, Karen can:

  • Answer questions you may have about current job openings across North Carolina
  • Guide you on how the National Health Service Corps works in North Carolina
  • Provide information on North Carolina-specific loan repayment programs
  • Help you navigate the J-1 Visa Waiver process in North Carolina
  • Tell you more about North Carolina’s state-specific incentives for health care professionals

Karen is an employee the North Carolina Office of Rural Health. She and her organization coordinate 3RNET activities in North Carolina.

Additional 3RNET contacts in North Carolina are: Rachel Lane, and Maya Sanders, 

Behavioral Health Resources in North Carolina

Behavioral Health Resources in North Carolina

Job search support is provided for the following behavioral health disciplines:

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • Substance Use Disorder Counselor
  • Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor
  • Peer Recovery Support Specialist
  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Behavioral Health Therapist
  • Clinical Mental Health Counselor
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant
  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
  • Psychiatrist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Addiction Medicine Physician

Additional Resources:

Incentive programs for behavioral health professionals:

Pipeline and pathway programs into behavioral health fields:

3RNET has resources from across the nation to support behavioral health professionals and people interested in pursuing a behavioral health career. View 3RNET’s behavioral health professionals’ resources here.

Behavioral Health Workforce Recruitment Contact in North Carolina:

Rachel Lane, Karen Gilarmis and Maya Sanders
North Carolina Office of Rural Health
Tel: 919-527-6440   

J-1 Visas in North Carolina

J-1 Visas in North Carolina

If you want to obtain a J-1 Visa Waiver in North Carolina, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Start your job search about 18 months prior to when you want to start working.
  2. Find a job at an eligible J-1 site in our state. You can search for J-1 eligible jobs on 3RNET. Start your J-1 job search in North Carolina now.
  3. Connect with the J-1 contact to ask questions and learn about additional steps you may need to take.

North Carolina J-1 Visa Waiver Guidelines

In addition to the Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Program, J-1 visa waivers are available in North Carolina through the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The ARC program is open only to physicians practicing in HPSAs located within Appalachian counties. The HHS program is open only to primary care physicians practicing in HPSAs scoring 7 or above. In an effort to maximize available resources and improve access to healthcare in underserved areas, waiver applicants that are eligible for the ARC or HHS J-1 Visa Programs are encouraged to utilize these programs prior to applying for Conrad 30.

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) J-1 Visa Waiver Program
The North Carolina Office of Rural Health works with the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) J-1 Visa Waiver Program to enable medical providers in the ARC counties in North Carolina to recruit and employ international medical graduates who may obtain a waiver of their two-year home residency requirements and practice in a health shortage area. For further information on the ARC J-1 Visa Waiver Program, visit the ARC website.

North Carolina ARC Counties: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Davie, Forsyth, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, McDowell, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Stokes, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin, and Yancey
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Exchange Visitor Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) manages this program as it relates to health research and clinical care. Physicians must deliver health care services for three years in a mental health or primary care shortage area.

Two types of waivers are administered under this program:

  1. Research performed in an area the agency deems priority or significant, and
  2. Primary health care services located in Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) scoring 7 or above. HHS will process an application for waiver for a physician to practice in a primary care specialty (family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, obstetrics & gynecology) or general psychiatry.

The Health Care Access Branch can assist with compiling, reviewing and submitting applications and may provide a letter of support for the application. For more information, review the Exchange Visitor Program website.

J-1 Visa Contact in North Carolina:

Karen Gliarmis
North Carolina Office of Rural Health
Tel: 919-527-6440 

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) J-1 Visa Waiver Program Contact: 

Deann Reed Fairfax
Program Specialist, Office of the General Counsel
Appalachian Regional Commission
1666 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20009-1068
Tel: 202-884-7786 

Health Care Employers in North Carolina

Health Care Employers in North Carolina

You'll find jobs on 3RNET from these types of health care employers in North Carolina:

  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Centers (ADATC)
  • Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs)
  • Community Health Centers (CHCs)
  • Community Outpatient Behavioral Health Agencies
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
  • National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment sites
  • National Health Service Corps Scholar sites
  • Private Practices
  • Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)
  • State Designated Rural Health Centers
  • State Mental Health Hospitals
  • Tribal Health sites

We have compiled a basic overview to help you understand more about the various safety net health care facilities. View 3RNET’s Guide to Safety Net Health Care Facilities here.

For North Carolina Employers

For North Carolina Employers

If you’re a health care employer in North Carolina and you’d like to post your jobs on 3RNET, please fill out our employer application form which will be sent to the North Carolina Network Coordinators.

If you have specific questions about using 3RNET in North Carolina, please contact one of 3RNET’s North Carolina Network Coordinators: Rachel Lane, Karen Gliarmis, or Maya Sanders.