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Health Professionals: Digital Badges on 3RNET

Health Professionals: Digital Badges on 3RNET

FAQs on how badges work on

3RNET currently offers two digital badge options to be added to your 3RNET profile: AHEC SCHOLARS and CRHCP CERTIFICATION. By adding a digital badge to your 3RNET profile, you can store and...
3RNET 2023 Accomplishments

3RNET 2023 Accomplishments

Our Year In Review

Each year, we reflect on what we’ve accomplished toward our mission of improving health care in rural and underserved communities through the recruitment and retention of health...
2023 Moskol Award Recipient: Dr. Dave Schmitz

2023 Moskol Award Recipient: Dr. Dave Schmitz

David Schmitz, MD, adds a leadership quality which sets him apart from previous Moskol Leadership Award recipients: he is a Family Medicine physician. In fact, his first interaction with 3RNET was...