As a licensed General Dentist in the State of Louisiana provided basic dental service within scope of a federally qualified health center a a practitioner privileged by the organization’s Board of Directors. Great friendly environment and opportunity to rebuild a service needed for the low income and underserved. Contact us for specifics. Looking for someone who cares about the underserved and can operate within a budget. Competitive pay ranges for dentist who serve in FQHCs in…
Facility Type:
Community Health Center
Community Type:
Urban – Underserved
Community/Service Population:
25,001 - 50,000 / 25,001 - 50,000
3RNET Network Coordinator Contact Information:
Nicole Peace Coarsey Bureau of Primary Care and Rural Health 628 North 4th St. PO Box 3118 Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Tel: 225-342-1583
J-1 Contact Information:
Nicole Peace Coarsey Bureau of Primary Care and Rural Health 628 North 4th St. PO Box 3118 Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Tel: (225) 342-1583