This clinic offers a full-service family practice, treating both children and adults. The care team provides compassionate and personalized care and offers same-day appointments and online scheduling. Clinics are open Monday through Thursday from 8am-5pm & Fridays from 8am-1pm. Being a part of UNCPN means a partnership with the UNC Health Care System. Our approach to health care is forward thinking and provides not only the stability of a strong network, but also continued autonomy. UNCPN…
Facility Type:
Private Practice
Community Type:
Community/Service Population:
25,001 - 50,000 / 50,001 and above
3RNET Network Coordinator Contact Information:
Clint Cresawn, Karen Gliarmis and Maya Sanders North Carolina Office of Rural Health 2009 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2009 Tel: 919-527-6440 North Carolina Rural Health Web Site
J-1 Contact Information:
Clint Cresawn, Karen Gliarmis and Maya Sanders North Carolina Office of Rural Health 2009 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2009 Tel: 919-527-6440 Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Guidelines