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Featured Education Resource for Employers

Featured Education Resource for Employers

Recruiting for Retention Part One: Planning & Preparation

One of the most neglected parts of recruitment and retention efforts is planning and preparation.
That’s why 3RNET has, available through your 3RNET Employer Dashboard, a set of four Guides to help you better recruit to retain! We break down the four parts of the recruitment for retention process: planning and preparation, marketing to and finding candidates, matching and committing, and retaining for the lifecycle of the employee.

Part One: Planning and Preparation includes the collective expertise of 3RNET, which has been a trusted resource for rural and underserved recruitment and retention since 1995.
The content of this guide is based on content from 3RNET’s longtime-published Recruiting for Retention Manual. This streamlined, more modern guide hopes to further what the Manual always intended to accomplish: provide best practices by combining the years of collective expertise from 3RNET’s National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network for rural and underserved healthcare recruiters.
As its title implies, Recruiting for Retention Part One: Planning and Preparation will show you how to build staff retention during the recruitment process itself – long before the employee begins with your facility.
Recruitment is not wholly a science or an art - there's a bit of both included! This guide breaks it down and is written with safety net employers in mind.
The first step generally taken when an opening occurs is to place a job ad. Employers who jump into recruitment typically spend more money and time on recruitment and experience less retention success than those who prepare and systematically search for the right candidate.
There is no single “right” way to recruit and retain healthcare professionals. Yet, there are certain critical activities or processes that should take place to ensure timely placement and lasting retention of a quality healthcare professional in your community.
Many of the best practices, tactics, and ideas within this guide are both practical and useful for healthcare employers serving both rural and underserved (also urban underserved) populations.
Why? Although in some ways vastly different, there are many similarities within the employee-employer relationship that translate no matter where you are located geographically.
We recognize that even with similarities across the healthcare safety net, recruiting for rural areas presents unique challenges. That’s why, throughout this guide, you’ll notice rural-specific considerations we highlight!
In each of our guides, you will learn tips and tools for making your recruitment and retention efforts a more manageable, productive, and efficient process.
Finally, Recruiting for Retention Part One: Planning and Preparation identifies state, regional, and federal resources that can most help you in your recruitment and retention efforts, as well as help improve health care delivery in your community.
This guide is available on your 3RNET Employer Dashboard.
Here's where to find it:

  • "R4R Resources" section
  • "Recruiting for Retention Part One" folder

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