Participating States

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Participating states map march 2025 300px tall


Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Delaware  | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Maine | Maryland | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Utah | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia |Wyoming 


Office of Primary Care & Rural Health
Alabama Department of Health
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1040
Montgomery, AL  36104
Phone:  334-206-5396
Fax:  334-206-5434
PCO Director: Karl Bryant


Office of Healthcare Access
State of Alaska
Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Health Care Services
P.O. Box 110601
Juneau, AK 99811-0601
Phone: 907-465-3091
PCO Director, HPSA, and NHSC Contact:  Judy Holland  907-334-2669
SLRP Contact:  Katie Yaniec, 907-334-2423
J-1 Visa Contact: Katie Reilly, 907-754-3553


Bureau of Health Systems Development
Arizona Department of Health Services
150 N 18th Ave. Suite 300
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602-542-1219
PCO Director: Edith Di Santo, 602-542-1066
NHSC and J-1 Visa Contact: Tiffany Wong 480-549-5254


Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
Arkansas Department of Health
4815 West Markham Street - Slot 22
Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: See individual contacts
PCO Staff:, 501-280-4529 


Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
Healthcare Workforce Development Division
2020 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 12-200
Sacramento, CA 95833
PCO Director: Jalaunda Granville
PCO Manager:  Ivanna Evans
Primary Care HPSA and NHSC Contact: Steffi Wong, 916-326-3717


Division of Public Health
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
417 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302-744-4555
Chief, Office of Healthcare Provider Resources: Nichole Moxley
J-1 Visa Contact: Stephanie Nostrom


Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Improvement
Florida Department of Health
4052 Bald Wypress Way, Bin C-15
Tallahassee, FL  32399
Phone: 850-617-1471
PCO Director:  Jeffrey Johnson
General email:


State Office of Rural Health
Georgia Department of Community Health
502 South 7th Street
Cordele, GA  31015
PCO Director:  Beth Walker


Hawaii State Department of Health
Office of Primary Care and Rural Health
1010 Richards Street, Suite 911
Honolulu, HI  96813
HPSA and NHSC Contact:  Caroline Kunitake


Iowa Department of Public Health
Deputy Director's Office
Bureau of Policy and Workforce Services
Lucas State Office Building
321 East 12th Street, 4th Floor
Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Fax: 515-242-6384
PCO Director, HPSA, and NHSC Contact: Cristie Duric, 515-229-3913


Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Community Health Systems, Office of Primary Care & Rural Health
1000 Southwest Jackson, Suite 340
Topeka, KS  66612
PCO Director:  Desiree Brown 785-250-8726
HPSA and NHSC Contact: Britney Nasseri, 785-296-5751
SLRP and J-1 Visa Contact: Ashley Templin, 785-296-3380
Office Email:


Department For Public Health
Health Care Access Branch
Division of Prevention and Quality Improvement
275 East Main Street, HS2W-B
Frankfort, KY 40621
Phone: 502-564-8966 (see individual extensions)
Fax: 502-564-0655
PCO Director and NHSC Contact: Beth Shafer
J-1 Visa Contact: Kasey Padgett

Kentucky Office of Rural Health
750 Morton Blvd.
Hazard, KY  41701
Phone:  606-439-3557
Director:  Matt Coleman
Rural Project Manager, Loan Repayment Programs & Workforce:  Janice Vance
Rural Project Manager:  Sierra Williams


Rural Health & Primary Care Program
Department of Health and Human Services
286 Water Street, 5th Floor
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Phone: 207-287-5524
Fax: 207-287-5431
PCO Director:  Nicole Breton


State Office of Rural Health
Maryland Department of Health
Office of Population Health Improvement
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore, MD  21201
Phone:  (see individual extensions)
Fax: 410-333-7501
Director Contact:  Sara Seitz, 410-767-4467


Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
Minnesota Department of Health
P.O. Box 64882
St. Paul, MN 55164-0882
Phone: 800-366-5424
Fax: 651-201-3830
PCO Director and NHSC Contact: Brenda Flattum, 651-201-3870
J-1 Visa Contact: Siham Abdellah


Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
Mississippi State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1700
Jackson, MS  39215-1700
Phone: 601-576-7874
Fax: 601-576-7873
PCO Director Contact:  Judy Newton
HPSA, NHSC and PCO Program Coordinator Contact: Teia McCormick
J-1 Visa Contact: Teia McCormick 


Office of Primary Care & Rural Health
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
912 Wildwood Drive
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
Phone: 1-800-891-7415
Local: 573-751-6441
Fax: 573-522-8146
Chief of Rural Health and Primary Care:  Aleesha Jones
PCO Manager: Deetrilynn Galbreath
PCO Coordinator Contact: Ashlee Griffin


Montana Primary Care Office
Montana Department of Public Health & Human Sciences
P.O. Box 4210
Helena, MT 59620-4210
Fax: 406-444-2750
PCO Contact:


Department of Health & Human Services
Office of Rural Health & Primary Care
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, NE 68509-5026
Phone: 402-471-0148
Fax: 402-471-0180
PCO Director; HPSA and NHSC Contact: Heidi Peirce


Primary Care Office
Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health
Department of Health and Human Services
4126 Technology Way
Carson City, NV 89706
Phone: 775-684-4047
Fax: 775-684-5999
PCO Director, Tarryn Emmerich-Choi
Please contact

Nevada State Office of Rural Health
University of Nevada, Reno
School of Medicine
Griswold Hall
701 Walnut Street
Elko, NV  89801
Phone:  775-738-3828
Director of Rural Programs: Alexis Kirby

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services Rural Health & Primary Care
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH  03301
Primary Care Workforce Program Specialist:  Jan Wainwright

New Mexico

New Mexico Health Resources 
300 San Mateo NE, Suite 905
Albuquerque, NM  87108
Executive Director:  Jerry N. Harrison, PhD

New York

New York State Department of Health
Tower Building, Room 1695
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12237-0053
Phone: 518-473-7019
Fax: 518-486-7835
PCO Director and NHSC Contact: Jonathan Wettergreen, 518-473-4700

North Carolina

Office Rural Health
North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services
311 Ashe Avenue, Cooke Building
Raleigh, NC 27606
For packages: 2009 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-2009
Phone: See individual contacts
Fax: 919-715-1503
Placement Services Manager:  Lisa Mckeithan
NHSC, J-1 Waiver, and SLRP Contact: Clint Cresawn, 919-527-6496
NHSC, J-1 Waiver, and SLRP Contact: Karen Gliarmis, 919-527-6452
NHSC, J-1 Waiver, and SLRP Contact: Maya Sanders, 919-527-6476

North Carolina Medical Society Foundation
222 N. Person Street
Raleigh, NC  27601
VP - Solutions:  Franklin Walker
Coordinator, Community Practitioner Program:  Rachel Thompson

North Dakota

North Dakota Department of Health
600 E. Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200
PCO Director:  Natalie Jung, 701-328-8674
NHSC and J-1 Visa Waiver Contact: Stacy Kusler, 701-777-3300


Office of Primary Care and Rural Health Development
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr, Rm 1701
Oklahoma City, OK  73102
PCO Director:  Jana Castleberry
Phone:  405-426-8624


Primary Care Office
Oregon Health Authority
Health Policy and Analytics
500 Summer Street, NE E-65
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 503-373-1791
Clinical Supports, Integration & Workforce Unit Director:  Neelam Gupta

Oregon Office of Rural Health
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR  97239-3098
Phone:  503-494-8311
Program Manager - Incentive Programs:  Bill Pfunder


Pennsylvania Department Of Health
Bureau of Health Planning
Room 1033 Health & Welfare Building
625 Forster Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0701
Phone:  717-705-6525
PCO Director: Edward Naugle
NHSC & J-1 Waiver Contact: Jacqueline Austin

Rhode Island

Office of Primary Care & Rural Health
Rhode Island Department of Health
3 Capitol Hill, Room 410
Providence, RI 02908
Program Manager and HPSA Contact:  Manuel Ortiz, 401-222-7631
J-1 Visa Waiver and NHSC Contact: Jill D'Errico, 401-222-1488

South Carolina

Office of Primary Care
South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control
2100 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-898-0766
PCO Director; HPSA and NHSC Contact: Mark Jordan

South Carolina Area Health Education Centers
1 South Park Circle, Ste. 203
Charleston, SC  29407
Phone:  843-792-4431
Director, Recruitment & Retention Programs:  Kristin Cochran

South Carolina Office of Rural Health
107 Saluda Pointe Drive
Lexingrton, SC  29072
Phone:  803-454-3850
Director of Behavioral Health Initiatives & Workforce Development:  Jessica Seel

South Dakota

South Dakota Department of Health / Office of Rural Health
600 E. Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD  57501
PCO Director:  Emily Paulsen  605-773-2679
Recruitment Program Coordinator:  DeAnn Sprenger 605-773-2706


Utah Department of Health
Office of Primary Care & Rural Health
195 N 1950 W
Salt Lake City, UT  84116
PCO Director, NHSC and J-1 Visa Contact:  Anna West 801-231-3044


Virginia Department of Health
Office of Health Equity
109 Governors Street, 7th Floor East
P.O. Box 2448
Richmond, VA 23219-2448
PCO Director:  Anna Riggan 
NHSC & HPSA Contact: Anna Riggan


Washington State Department of Health
Primary Care Office
PO Box 47853
Olympia WA  98504
PCO Director Contact:
J-1 Visa Contact:  Sarah Gambrill

West Virginia

West Virginia State Office or Rural Health
Department of Health & Human Resources
350 Capitol Street, Room 702
Charleston, WV  25301
HPSA and NHSC Contact:  Drew Kemp


Office of Rural Health
Public Health Division
Wyoming Department of Health
122 West 25th Street, Suite 102 East
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307-777-6512
Fax: 307-777-3623
PCO Director; HSPA and NHSC Contact: Keri Wagner, 307-777-6512